Wednesday 8 October 2008

Susan Collis @ The Seventeen Gallery

I Recently went to a show that my fellow collaber Rosa Tyhurst is working at entitled; 'Sweat' by Susan Collis. The space is converted into a factory line of helpers colouring in long squares with coloured pens. Mimicking the sweat shop/ factory line and churning out hand coloured/ made laundry bags, the type you would find in thrift shops. With delicate precision the patterned biro coloured paper is folded to create these life-like delicate bags. I enjoyed the way in which she addresses the intimate factory element; with the finished product on show whilst you stand un -easy watching the worker bees go about this arduous task.
Some work from her previous show was also there; 'Don't Get Your Hopes Up', whereby she made small interventions within the space such as delibrately placing wall plugs made of gold and gem stones in the wall, but my favourite has to be the paint drips which lead from the entrance to the back of the galley, but on closer inspection are actually mother of pearl. I think this sums up Collis's work quite well as subtle interventions which first hand seem frivilous and can be easily ignored but upon closer inspection is a rewarded discovery. Maybe telling us to always look twice when making assumptions about art.

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