Monday 20 October 2008

Frieze Art Fair 2008

Attended Frieze art fair this week, as I am sure so did half of London. It was exactly what I expected having been two years ago, the steel faced curators and collectors swanning around. However it was great to see pieces up close by some of my favorite artists; Grayson Perry, Ed Ruscha, Wolfgang Tillmans and Cindy Sherman.
One of the highlights (apart from eaves dropping on how much some of the pieces sell for) was the icelandic art collective; 'Kling og Bang'. They re-created a small run-down shack Sirkus located in the middle of Rejakavik, I enjoy being completely envelpoed in site installations and how they can transport you from a ceratin space into a different dimension alot Like Christopher Bruchels installations.
Sirkus was also a favorite watering hole for many of the creative people in Rejkavik, it was cramped, smelly, your shoes sticked to the floor but I loved it.

1 comment:

RT said...

they didn't re-create it, that was actually the real bar!